Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nothing to Say

So I feel so boring since I have nothing much to say but I did have a very vivid dream last night. There were several parts to it but a couple of things I remember clearly:

There was a get-together/party of some sort that was sort of a pre-reunion party for high school that I went to because it was smaller and there were more people that I knew and wanted to see... at one point, I was squeezing between a round table and someone's chair to get past, and somehow tripped, ended up getting the tablecloth stuck to me... and I turned as I fell, yanking even more off and basically made an ass out of myself.

There was a point where I was flirting with some guy. Let it be noted that Matt didn't want to come to this party and I was kind of upset but knew he would ruin my time if he was there and didn't want to be. So anyway I was flirting with this guy, and was enjoying his attention... but then he started leaning in, breathing on my neck and I knew it was about to go to far. I stopped him because I know I couldn't do that to Matt (even in a dream... sheesh!) but it was REALLY hard because I just knew this guy was a good kisser and REALLY wanted to make out with him.

Another moment in the dream I was passing by Randi's house and saw her stepdad in his truck... and then found out that it was Randi's mom who had just died and that Randi was in denial and was lying to everyone and herself... it was sooo sad :(

So besides the dream, not much has been going. Biff (the orange cat) has been scratching at her chin and even has a little bald spot. We just gave her advantage this weekend but I'm not sure Matt got the dose on her since her neck didn't look wet. Is it dangerous to give a cat a double dose? She could be scratching at her chin because we server her water out of a plastic bowl which I've heard can give cat's bumps on their chins. Now she has no bumps, but I'm just paranoid, you know?

I took Figaro to the vet (and even through the grocery store with me since he was chilling in his carrier and silent and practically invisible since the carrier is lined with black cloth). I needed to make sure there was nothing wrong with him physically. The vet was surprised by how mellow he seemed. He was basically a little nervous which is great for a trip to the vet. However, thats how he is all the time and he didn't have any real suggestions for us.

So now here is where you can laugh at me. I've booked an appointment with a cat behaviorist to find out what exactly is going on with him. Somehow I need to understand what he's feeling (threatened? scared? shy? exposed?) so I can help break through his barriers and get him to open up. Its so hard to see him scared of his toys. I'm petting him every night now, but I have to drag him out from under the bed to do it. He doesn't struggle as much now since he knows it will be a good experience, I just don't understand why he struggles at all when he knows its time to be pet and loved and brushed. I spend 30-60 minutes with him each night, playing classical music softly and petting him. He's so funny though, he growled at the window when we heard an animal rustling in the leaves and growled when Matt opened the bedroom door. I guess people don't often hear cats growl so everyone I tell this story to is extremely amused by it.

Clio is great as always, just adorable and sweet. She likes to lie on the floor of the bathroom with her head on the carpet. We think she likes the cool floor and chooses that spot in particular because she gets a good view of the whole house that way.

My garden is still going strong though the Zuchinni bonanza has let up a bit (thank goodness). I dont' know if I should admit that I haven't used a single item from my garden yet... The zuchinni are on the kitchen table because we found out that it keeps Clio off the table... she's just afraid of them for some reason. I haven't cooked with them because I'm lazy and the kitchen was dirty. We have almost no counter space as it is, so when there are dirty dishes there, I can't even pour myself a bowl of cereal. My peas are good, I've snacked on a few raw but I don't know what to cook with them. The broccoli flowered before I could get to it. I just kept procrastinating, telling myself I'd cut it off tomorrow... then it went too far. I don't plan on letting my tomatoes get ahead of me though... I've been looking forward to those for so long!

Wow... even when I have nothing to say I can still write a novel.. sheesh...
Until next time...


  1. ok, love your dreams, as always. can't wait to hear what you dream when you're pregnant.

    and a cat behaviorst? seriously? i'm glad you love your cats :)

    and yes- fresh tomatoes right from the garden are AH-MA-ZING!!!!!!! i still can't get over it every time i eat one :)

  2. That was a sad dream! I have dreams about Dave a lot.

    One recent dream of note - I had a dream about having some sort of reunion with high school people also. Reaghen was there which was odd. But the dream was only about how I had this peach lotion on that everyone HATED. They kept telling me how terrible it smelled. So weird. :)
