Sunday, January 10, 2010

Things to ask BEFORE you marry someone.

So my husband and I are constantly butting heads about when to do things. I like to get chores and tasks out of the way, because if you put them off, they get forgotten, they pile up, and I have to think about them the whole time. He likes to do all the chores on Sunday and I like to have Sunday totally free. So one of us doesn't get our way each weekend when it comes to chores... any guesses who that is? LOL

So in discussing this today, I asked my husband if he was the type of kid who did his homework Friday to get it out of the way or put it off until Sunday night. He answered that he waited until Monday morning before school or during class. DOH!

1 comment:

  1. i love it!
    but i'm the same way as you, get it done and out of the way! thats actually more now, i dont' think i ever did my homework on friday nights in highschool... and probably even a few monday mornings ;)
